Monday, December 8, 2008

WAIT......DON'T FAINT!!!!!

Hey Everyone! Wait, don't faint! I am alive and doing well (for the most part), and time is just DRAGGIN' on and on and the closer my husband is to returning from Iraq, the slower the time seems to creep along......UGH!!!! Well, let's see...what's new this past month??? Well, we still don't know where we are going to be stationed at next.....hopefully that will be coming soon! We've all been down sick here for a few weeks, much better now though!.....First I had double pneumonia, and then took a week off from being diagnosed with that and then 2 of my 3 kids and I ended up with Strep Throat!, we are getting back to normal now....back into a regular routine and started exersizing over the last month also (after sicknesses)....I bought that Jillian Michaels workout on theWii and WOW......she's a killer!.....but it is fun and my children absolutely have a blast with it too......HUMMMMM let's see now.....did I say yet how much I miss my husband????? Well, I do.....this is our 2nd Christmas apart and the kids are really sad too....:( He is a little down also and I would like for all you prayer warriors out there to please lift his name up in prayer....His name is Christian......Well, I suppose that's all for today!.....Make sure you visit me......I am going to TRY to get back into doing this!!!!! Love to all!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well, First of all I am sincerely sorry for my lack of blogging....It has been the CRAZIEST couple of weeks....First Nikki was struck with her Gallbladder surgery and then one by one, everyone I knew started getting ill, and NOW my entire crew is down and out with none other than.........STREP THROAT!!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If something is out there floating around in the air, I get it....and I get it, my children and I are officially in hiberation AT LEAST till Next Monday....We will go NOWHERE, we will do NOTHING...and thank Goodness for my dear friends who are willing to help out with some grocery errands.....I will need bread, fruit and milks! LOL....Isn't that always the case?????? So, all of you out there (if anyone is listening) please say a prayer for our Foster Clan that we can get to feeling better soon and rejoin the human race!!!!

Love to all and have a wonderful day!!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

WHERE DO I BEGIN???????????

Wow.....alot can happen in 5 days, I guess.....I hope this finds everyone doing well out there in cyberspace! We are doing ok here in Hawaii....I think that I may have pneumonia, again, (not a shock)...for those of you who know me....I get this every year Oct, Nov, Dec.....last year I was very fortunate however, and did not get it for the first time in, seriously folks, probaby 12 years.....I've always been succeptible to it....even all thru, nothing new....But it is frustrating when the military doctors say,, "well, your lungs sound clear to me and you don't have a high fever, so, it's not pneumonia, "...then a couple weeks go by and I'm so bad that they end up having to hospitalize me...I've already let it go (I know Nikki), for a week already, so, I'm gonna try to get an appointment tomorrow....but, it will be a fight to get an xray and meds....but, maybe I'll get lucky and actually get to see MY regular dr, who knows that I KNOW MY BODY and he'll give me the meds...!!!!!! onto more news.....My hubby called me finally yesterday to tell me that he has been in contact with his Branch Manager and we should know where our next duty station is maybe by the end of this month....PLEASE, above all else, pray for God's will.....He'll get HIS way no matter what, but our options are 1) Ft. Belvoir, VA 2) Ft. Benning, GA, or 3) Ft. Polk (PUKE), LA......can you tell what MY WILL IS??????? hahahaha....well, VA would be the best, because not only is it only 5 hours from home, Christian will get to keep his job that he is doing now, which he ABSOLUTELY LOVES AND THRIVES AT....he's doing so good at his job and he loves what he is doing and I would hate for that to have to change for him.......also, we would more than likely be there until we retire.....then if we get GA, he will be a drill instructor (which he does NOT wanna do at all)....and for those of you who know him, that is just NOT his nature....He CAN do it, but does not want to.....and at Ft. Puke, he would be in a classroom instructor position, which he prefers to the Drill Instructor, but he knows that LA would be location wise a terrible place for our family because of health issues,, everyone, just pray that I can learn to be "content" no matter where HE chooses for us to be as a family....I know he has great things in store for us no matter, so, I'm excited and very sad at the same time...We've been here in Hawaii for 8 years and I have made the BEST FRIENDS OF MY LIFE HERE (of course some of you have already moved on from here), and I don't wanna leave my church home and family!...:(........Have a great week everyone!!! Love to all!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stampin' Party

I'm sooo sad that it is over! I had a Stampin' Up Card Camp Party yesterday!!!! It was sooo much fun and all you ladies that came out to join us, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH.......It was absolutely wonderful to have a great group of ladies to fellowship with and to be creative with....It was sooo much fun....We had a GREAT turnout too......we had 14 all together including the kids and I was busy with them and didn't get to "socialize" like I normally would, BUT there will be MORE PARTIES!!!!!! LOL.....Thanks to my friend, Jackie for offering her home up to me because she has much more room.....she was soooo wonderful! She is one of my friends with 7 children and 1 on the way!!!!!! And she STILL did so much to help me...Thanks so much to Jackie......I really hope that everyone had as good of a time as I did....My motivation in doing these parties REALLY is not to get the gifts and have HIGH sales, etc.....It's all about getting together with friends, Old friends, new friends, and strangers who are soon to be new friends! Last night I tried to create an atmosphere to get everyone into an early Holiday Spirit and I made all kinds of Holiday treats and some decorations, and I had 2 crock pots going with hot cocoa in one and hot apple cider in the other....THE SMELLS COMING FROM THAT HOUSE WERE DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I believe that I achieved my goal, and I cannot wait to do the next one!!!!!!! I ended up getting very sick though....I woke up this morning having a bronchial type cough and yellow junk pouring out of every hole in my head!!! It was horrible...for those of you who know me, you know that KATHY is sick when she doesn't even feel like shopping on payday! Thanks so much to my friend, Larae, for making me make a list and sending her to the grocery store for me!! You were a lifesaver....thanks so much! So, I DO feel better tonight though, so hopefully it was just a weird day! Everyone have a WONDERFUL DAY !!!!! Love to you ALL!!!!! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, today is my anniversary!! My husband and I have been married for 13 years today! WOW....we MUST be getting old..hehe.....well, it is a very sad anniversary because I have to spend it without him.....The bright side of things is that he will be home for next year! Happy Anniversary honey...I miss you and love you with all of my heart.......Love, Bug

Thursday, October 9, 2008

On-Island Vacation!

Hi All!.....I know, I has been a whole week! But we have been very, very busy.....busy getting ready for a little on-island vacation this week....We had a good time.....the kids and I went to Waikiki for a couple of days...It was refreshing....Believe it or not, I really did have a relaxing time! One of my bestest buddies, Jean, came down with her WONDERFUL family...(jean, beautiful Mother of 7 children)......and she treated us to Dinner at the Hotel's restaurant called Biba's! was fantastic as usual....she even got my oldest child, AJ LOVING Calamari....geesh... He has not shut up about it since! Squid, YUCK......squishy, slimy, in my mouth.....gross....I would rather have onion rings! Hehe...then we went up to our room and the kids played some card games while Jean and I talked....It was really, really nice.....and OF COURSE, we ordered room service (Ethan's FAVORITE thing to do at the Hotel) and we enjoyed lots and lots of ice cream.....banana splits to be exact!! Plus, some NUMMY apple pie and mac nut ice cream!....The kids are already asking, "when are we going to the hotel again Mommy"....UGH....they think money grows on trees.....(boy, I wish)
Now, I am just looking so forward and I am so stinkin' excited about my Stampin' Up card camp I'm having on Monday night!.......another besty friend, Nikki is the demonstrator....she's nervous, but it's just us homefolks...nothing to be scared of......we have been planning this for weeks! Everything has been planned and all that is left to do is show up with food and we're ready to party!!!!! I love making cards!!!!......I hope ya'll that are on island can come!!!! Give me a call and let me know! There are limited spaces available! (How's that for a shameless plug for my show!!! LOL ))))........Have a great Friday everyone!!!!!! I'll give you an update after the party! Love to all!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm a Bad Blogger

Ok....everyone I'm sorry......I am such a bad blogger!!!! I'll try to get better, I promise! Well, I am Really excited about Monday & kids and I are going on a little Mini-Vacation for Fall Break.......We're staying on Island of course, but going to Waikiki for a couple of days to have fun and relax! We LOVE going down there and soaking up the sun and enjoying our beautiful Hawaii....We are also thinking about Daddy.....we're very sad because it is his Birthday on Saturday, Oct. 4........we HATE it that he isn't here with us to celebrate......HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY......(you're almost as old as me!)......Ok...that's all for now.....Hopefully, I'll have more to say next time.....Please, everyone say a prayer for me.....I go to the Dr tomorrow to get the results of bloodwork I had done a couple of weeks ago.....Pray that the Dr can know what is going on with me and can help me!!! Thanks! Have a great day!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Hi All......sorry, once again.....I've been super busy with Life and all of it's craziness to even THINK about my poor lonely blog....LOL Well, we've had another great week of Homeschooling....I love it more and more each day....when I see all of the gasoline that I am NOT running out of my vehicle daily and NOT having to help my kids with homework and NOT having to communicate with teachers that are totally really makes my life much, much easier!!!!

NOW, onto my latest excitement!!!! I had the PLEASURE of going to the movies with my church Sunday School Group on Saturday evening....We went to see FIREPROOF...with Kirk Cameron....I went totally not expecting much, but was pleasantly suprised.....most of the actors in the film were totally amateurs, but, some of them TRULY acted amazingly!...Of course, Mr. Kirk Cameron was phenominal, but, I was impressed with many of the others as well...Another surprise to me was the comedic relief throughout the entire production....It was not what I expected with such a serious subject matter, but it was Hillarious!!!!!! It makes you laugh and cry....that's a Great Movie! I don't know (nor do I care) what Ebert & Roeper think, but Mrs Foster gives it 2 thumbs UP......Brilliant! Have a great week all!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Hey all....I know, I know, I have NOT been a good blogger this past week, but, in my defense, I have been a little busier than I used to be! LOL I began homeschooling my children last week and it is ABSOLUTELY SURPRISINGLY WONDERFUL, having them home with me! I really felt that I would be "giving up my me-time" and that I would be resentful of the "sacrifice" that I chose to make, but I am very, very, very happy with the decision that we have made.....I can ALREADY see more confidence in both of them, and even though they have little quirks that drive me insane (distracted VERY easily), for the most part, they are really good kids and I am very proud of them.....We are still kind of struggling with our schedule, but that has a lot to do with me not being able to roll myself out of the bed until 8:30 or so every morning! That is soooo not me!!! I really do feel that you sleep 1/2 the day away if you aren't up by at LEAST 7:00-7:30 am....I've always been a morning long as I can remember way back when...but, lately, with all my issues I've been having (medically), I have been worn out...and my kids are just wonderful.....!!!! They are leaving me alone so that I CAN rest......(of course, if they leave me alone and don't wake me up, doesn't start yet...hahaha)...Momma ain't NO DUMMY!!!!! Well, really, that's all I have to tell you about for now.....just wanted to give a little update on how the new situation is working out so nicely! Thanks for all of your prayers!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

WOW It's been a While....


THE NEW ME really HAS been a while, huh????!!!!! Sorry all who care! We have been busy, busy, busy incorporating school into our daily lives.....It hasn't been all that big of a struggle though....On most days, it is really, really working out....on others, sometimes, it has been a challenge because on some days, LIFE just happens and throws a curve ball into our schedule....So, please pray for us as we are adjusting and trying to work out all the little "kinks" of our new lives.....:) Just a quick little prayer request.....I've had a lot going on with my body lately....for those of you who don't know, I had Gastric Bypass about 2 1/2 years ago and have dropped a drastic amount of weight and I did it all in a very short amount of time, so, in the process, my body suffered for a long time from malnutrition, and because of this, my body has said, "WHOOOOAAAAAA what have you done, here????", I have many, many different issues going on and I went today and gave about 2 gallons of blood to get everything checked into....Please pray that God will give the Dr wisdom to figure out what is going on and give me the strength to just keep on breathing...LOL.....Most of my long time dear friends who know me, know that I try to stay upbeat most of the time, but for those of you who are NEW friends, all you have heard me do lately is whine about how sick and tired I am all the, I want that new me to leave, and I want my old me, back (well, not the 350 pound me).....but, please everyone pray that everything gets fixed so that I can be the Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Niece, and Friend that HE has created me to be......Love in Christ..........Chatty

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fantastic News!

For those of you who don't already know, my gorgeous husband is serving in Iraq right now and is due to come home mid-late March 2009....Well, I FINALLY got to see him on the computer last night, and he gave me FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! He says that it looks that he will be coming home around Love Day INSTEAD of the later dates, so....that cuts about 30 days or so off of that ticker that you see counting down the moments on my sidebar!!!!!! That is awesome news......well, today, I'm off to the crop to see all of my bestest friends (well, those of them in Hawaii, anyways...:( ) and I always look forward to my Thursdays because it is such an uplifting time for me....YAYYYYYYYY it's Thursday again!!!!!!!! Everyone else have a blessed day and ALOHA!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

WE ARE ALL STILL BREATHING, (for now)...haha

Ok.....from the title, you may not know what I mean.....I guess a more appropriate title would maybe be...."We're all still alive and I haven't killed my kids yet"......hahahahaha......So, Day #1 of homeschool went really, really well.....We still have a few "kinks" to work out, but for the most part, we all did well, and yes, we all survived......The kids say that they all loved it, and I have Ethan's curriculum on order (Thanks Nikki), and it should be here later in the, for now, I am printing up worksheets on the computer to keep Ethan and Melody busy...Tomorrow is my PWOC prayer meeting/bible study on the books of Judges and Ruth.....I am so excited about this class and this new group of strong, christian ladies I have been blessed to meet....It is soooo refreshing I believe that I might have to start talking about how I almost love Tuesdays as much as I do Thursdays......naahhhhhh....nothing beats Thursdays!! But, for those of you friends (Miss Kiki especially)who KNOW how much I LOVE pajama that I am homeschooling, ANY day can be pajama day now!!!!! LOL...(except Tues., Wed, Thurs, &Sunday of course)so, I suppose that only leaves Mon, Friday, and Saturday! Hey, I'll take it! Mondays without having to leave my pj's....that's pretty awesome!!!! Ok.....I'm going to attempt to update more frequently, but sometimes, there just isn't a whole lot to say.....Love to all and have a Fantastic Day!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I hate to say "I told you so", but Thursdays are just the BEST! This Thursday was just no exception! I started off my day with "early morning quiet time" and a cup of my AWESOME hot chai tea, and the kids came downstairs for school and everyone was just doing EVERYTHING that they were supposed to do! Then I took the kids to school and did something out of the ordinary....I parked my car, went inside to the office, and WITHDREW MY CHILDREN FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL AND I FEEL SOOOO RELIEVED AND HAPPY AND CONTENT in our decision to homeschool them ALL....Yes, I did NOT stutter folks......ALL 3 OF THEM....The "Long of the Short of it" (haha Jean!), is, that I've been disobeying the Holy Spirit now for at least 3 years about the homeschooling....I started off homeschooling my oldest son, through 2nd grade and then, because somewhere along the way, somebody convinced me that I wasn't "capable" of homeschooling my 2nd child Ethan, who is MILDLY autistic, & I believed them and put all my kids in public school.....well, I have seen the light! I am so excited about our new journey, and I truly feel that God has placed MANY, MANY homeschooling families in my life to FINALLY get me to obey HIM.....and the way I look at it if Jean & Jackie, and Katie can do it with 7 children then, SURELY I can do it with my 3! LOL....Just everyone keep us in your prayers while we transition into our new little world! Thanks to you all for your support!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey everyone! Hope that all of you had as wonderful of a Labor Day as I did! I just think it is funny that we have a Holiday (which nobody works on) (or most people anyways), that is called Labor Day when, in actuality it is a day off from Labor.....isn't that an oxymoron? I believe it is! haha....But, it was a wonderful time much better than yesterday! (but anything HAD to be better than yesterday LOL).....I had a really, really nice time at Nikki's today along with our friends, Connie & Joe, and our new friends, Misty & Joe and their BEAUTIFUL family! They are a wonderful nice young Christian couple who also attend what I believe to be the BEST CHURCH IN THE UNIVERSE, Lanakila Baptist in Hawaii, and have found many, many, many things in common.....God NEVER does ANYTHING by accident! Yet again, he has placed even more people in my life who can relate to very similar circumstances....My saviour NEVER ceases to amaze me! I am soooo excited by our new found friends, and cannot wait to get to know them better! Tomorrow is our on post Bible Study called PWOC (protestant women of the chapel) and I have joined a class about Ruth and Judges....It is going to be awesome....I am soooo excited I think that is why I'm having trouble getting to sleep.....tomorrow is our first official class! Ok, I need to stop and try to get some sleep....I hope you all had as great of a day as I did! Hey, does Jerry Lewis still have his telethon on Labor Day???? (is he still living???)...I used to ALWAYS watch it every was a tradition in my house....I believe this is the 1st year in my life that I never watched ANY of it at all! Sorry Jerry! Talk to you later in the week!! Love you all and have a Blessed Day!!!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh my Goodness is It OVER yet??????

Ok.....I suppose that yesterday's blog must have stirred up some anger in the fires of Hell...Let me give you the FAST version.....Last night, went to sleep.....had a nightmare (I truly believe a prophetic dream) and then woke up and have been awake since 3 am.....In this dream I was being attacked by the ugliest creature I have ever imagined (I believe a demon), and there was a woman (which makes no sense to me since angels according to my Bible are males), anyways, she told me I had to make this creature lunge at me and she had some kind of weapon in her hand which I could not see, but I awoke at 3 am with that thing lerching at me and it was just the scariest thing, I began praying.....and didn't stop all day long.....because, from the moment the sun broke over the horizon, I cannot count how many MAJOR incidents took place that even if only 1 of those things happened, it would throw off anyone for the whole day! Just to give the brief rundown...almost involved in 2 car accidents, well, 3 if you count that I almost hit a man carrying a baby who just walked out into the middle of the street from behind a tall parked vehicle that I could not see....I barely got stopped in time.....that was all on the way to church this morning...and also on the way to church, I had to explain why the "man" at Starbucks was wearing makeup and acting like a girl, and I was just honest (and blunt) and said right in front of the "man" that he was confused and that he was "lost" and he needed Jesus Christ....I smiled and told him to have a nice, then after church...oh I computer kinda crashed, so, I was stopping at Best Buy to get the Geek Squad to look at it, and they did not give a good report, and my children locked us out of the truck we were driving and we had to call and get someone from Ford to come out and unlock the car....the keys were left in it with the motor running (thanks to my beautiful, wonderful, CHILDREN...), we were stranded there for a little while....then I went home and was going to barricade myself in my house and hide from the world, while waiting on the next hammer to fall, and my wonderful friend Nikki, called and said that she was taking me to church before I even had a chance to tell her that I was afraid to leave my house....She said she already KNEW that I was going to say that, so that was why she called to offer the ride so that I would have NO EXCUSE of giving into the stress! Thank you (and most days) You are truly a Godsent Friend!!!!! The rest of today has been really, really good and I'm looking forward to our Beach outing and our cookout tomorrow!!! Everyone have a great Labor Day!!!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Did everyone hear that LOUD and CLEAR????? I don't care if we are puking our guts up or coughing up a lung, WE ARE GOING TO CHURCH TOMORROW!!!! LOL......Well, really, there has been NOTHING funny about it....I am so sick of being sick! But thanks to one of my goodest, bestest friends, Jean, I have made a list of things to do to try to keep my family healthier and more resistant to all of these bugs that keep coming around! We sooooo miss getting to come to church on a regular basis....Because of my husband being deployed to Iraq, and us getting sick, oh, and of course, gasoline prices don't help either, we have not been able to attend regularly...But, I am putting my foot down NOW....I have been raised by a Wonderful, Godly Mother who pretty much taught me that whenever the church doors are open, if we weren't drawing our last breath, we should be there! So, call it habit, call it conviction, call it whatever you want, I'M GOING TO BE IN CHURCH PRETTY MUCH EVERY TIME THE DOORS ARE OPEN! I love my church and my church family!!!! I have never been involved with such a loving, giving, caring church in my entire life! Praise the Lord! And now, another one of my goodest, bestest friends Nikki is joining my Awesome church tomorrow and that just makes it an even BETTER reason to love the church even more! Oh, my church is Lanakila Baptist Church in Waipahu, HI......Out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in paradise!!!!! It will be one of the hardest things to do when we have to leave our little paradise.....but, ARMY life....some of you know how it goes! Ok......enough....Love to all of you and everyone have a BLESSED SUNDAY!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, if I HAD to pick a favorite day of the week, besides Sundays, it would have to be Thursdays....there are different reasons for my LOVE of Thursdays...1st of all, when I wake up and realize that it Thursday, then I know that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!! Secondly, I love Thursdays soooo much that it used to be my "Pajama Day" when I made it a luxury for me to not get dressed and go ANYWHERE, or do ANYTHING but stay at home and relax in my pj's....ahhhhh I used to just LOVE pajama day.....well, then I started having to actually leave my house on Thursdays to take my kids to school in the mornings and pick them up in the afternoon.....but, I stay in my pajamas when I do it and nobody knows any different!!! (except for the gate guards that have to check my id)....OH, NOW I have a combined Bible Study/Scrapbook Crop that I participate in every Thursday, so, since I don't believe the other ladies would appreciate PAJAMA DAY as much as I do, I have decided to give up the pajamas on Thursdays and actually get dressed! But, I LOVE the Bible Study & Crop on Thursdays....I love the book we are reading, "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God"......It is AMAZING.!!!!!!! There are many other words to describe it, but that one kind of sums it all up into one word....So, once again, for those of you who just didn't understand me......


Love to all of you !!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay safe!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sick Again Sunday

Hey is another Sick Sunday......Ethan was hacking all night long......all of us are sick again....we all woke up coughing and sore throats, THIS IS GETTING REALLY OLD........But, if you read my blog yesterday, then you know I have to share the end results of Melly's hair with you all......I couldn't decide which picture to post, so I'm posting a few!.....Please keep us all in your prayers....the kids really don't need to miss anymore school.....(and I need my sanity)....hahahaha So, since we are sick, we held church in our living room.....Melody sang a special (East to West) and then AJ played "Mr. Russ" and doubled as "Pastor Wygle"....he told one of the opening pastor jokes (he actually told a funny one though, he-he) and then Brother Ethan opened us up in prayer and then "Pastor AJ" delivered the sermon from Keys for Kids and did a fabulous, even though it was a "mock" service, they were truly lifting their voices up to the Lord in praise, and I know that he was pleased.....Everyone have a blessed day in the Lord and have a wonderful week......We Love you ALL!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Saturday

Hey all! I hope this finds you all having a wonderful weekend!!!! Well, it's been another blissful Saturday....A lot has happened today.....Very exciting! Ethan has FINALLY learned how to ride his bike on 2 wheels!!!!!! It was awesome....I said to myself this morning, "Enough is enough"....this child is 8 years old now and the only one in the neighborhood who cannot ride a bike! So, he whined a little bit, but, when he saw that I wasn't backing down, he DID IT!!!!! and he did perfect from the 1st try! He's been ready for a while, I guess us parents were just lazy....OH Melody wants to try......Then, this afternoon, we went to the movies here on post...they were playing Wall-E for the matinee, so, I took the kids.....I thought it was cute, but not one of Disney's best......So, now, we are winding down for the night and Melly and I have had our usual "Girl Time" and tonight she wanted curlers in her hair so that she could have "pretty hair" for church tomorrow....Hopefully, we will get to go, because I started feeling not so well again today and totally have lost my voice......Wish me luck!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I hope this finds you all doing well and ready for the weekend.....I love Fridays....especially this's been a pretty tough week for LOTS of reasons I cannot begin to even go into in this small amount of space I have, so, let's just sum it all up into....THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY.....AJ's homeschool curriculum is arriving today at some point and even though he ACTS like he's not happy about it, I know that he is excited.....just nervous I think because it is all kind of new to him....For those of you who don't know, I started off homeshooling him...I homeschooled him from Kindergarten thru 2nd, technically, he's only been in public school, for 3rd, 4th, and 1/2 of 5th grade because we had him at our church's private school for the 1st half of 5th, I am happy and feel at peace about homeschooling....I TRULY feel that this is what God wants me to do...not only with AJ, but with all of my children....YES, I didn't make a mistake...I said ALL of them...including little most of you know, Ethan has Autism....Autism does NOT have Ethan....(that's my little slogan)....his Autism is extremely mild and he has grown out of almost all of the behaviors and issues he once had....I KNOW that I can homeschool them all, I just have a fear of it being too much for me to handle....but, for some strange reason...I feel at peace with the idea....I REALLY want to do it...Homeschooling makes total sense...where else can they be taught about the things that are really important..???? Who better to teach them, than their parents???? Although I'm sure that some days will be challenging, I really feel led to do this...And being an army family, it only makes sense to be able to schedule school time on OUR time...when WE have to move, or deal with deployments, or emergencies back can go with us wherever we are.....Just pray with me about these decisions...we will make a final decision by the 1st of December.....Also, I am concerned that because Ethan is in the Special Education program, (for those of you who don't know, schools get paid a lot of money for these children in special education) and my fear is that they won't want to disenroll him from the school and give me trouble....So, just keep us in your prayers.......Thanks to you all........Have a great weekend!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, it is over....the memorial of Sgt Kenny Gibson happened this morning....It was even harder than I thought it was going to be, and I knew it was going to be tough....Nikki is a hero too....I don't know how she is doing it....I don't know that I would even be able to get out of bed or not....she is proving to be a tower of courage and strength...For those of you who don't know already, my friend, Nikki Gibson, lost her husband on August 10 in Iraq....He IS a true HERO.....he jumped in front of a terrorist attacking his platoon sgt and platoon leader....He jumped.....he, I cannot imagine....I don't know what kind of weapon was used, but he saved their lives and gave his own....Nikki, if you are reading this blog, please know that I grieve with you and want to help in ANY way that I Possibly can.....right now, all I can do is honor the 2 of you for your unblievable sacrifice that you have made....From what I understand, Kenny had left little pink love notes all over the house for Nikki to find before he went back to Iraq during his recent R&R trip home....I hope and pray that finding these little notes will be comforting to, today, those of you reading this......Love one another, hold one another, kiss one another and never, ever, take each other for granted....Live every single day as if it COULD be your last..........BE HAPPY.......

Monday, August 18, 2008


Another Monday......aghhhh...the nice, peaceful weekend is over and we are back to the regular week of drudgery...hahaha....just joking.....We've had a pretty good day around here....AJ is bored to death because his curriculum has yet to arrive...It has been shipped and should be here by Wednesday...he says he's bored and ready to start school, but on Thursday, we'll see if he has changed his mind...While having him tested we have found (and yes, we were forwarned) that he is WAYYYYYY behind in English (and Hawaii public school claimed he was WAYYYYY ahead of his peers by 3-4 years), we have to play catch up in that subject and a couple of bumps in the road for his math as well....(not as bad as the English though), we're gonna get him caught up and then begin on 6th Grade curriculum.....he is a fast worker (when he doesn't play with his fingers and stare endlessly into the distance at absolutely nothing)...LOL We'll be fine...He's a great kid.....I had a blast at the Card Camp on Saturday night! I'm gonna post a couple of pics of what I made there....I am sooo excited about making my own stuff.....CREATIVITY!!! Who would've thunk it! Me---Kathy----creative???? Well, enjoy the pics and I'll talk to you more later

Saturday, August 16, 2008

AHHHHH Saturday!

How nice and beautiful Saturdays can be...Especially here in Hawaii....Beautiful sunshine, kids outside playing, nice breeze, and in the house...ahhhhhh peace and quiet....ok......I'm done rubbing it all in....LOL Just having a quiet Saturday afternoon in paradise, but very excited about tonight! My friend, Nikki, invited me to go with her and another friend, Rachelle, to a card making, I hired a sitter for the evening and just cannot wait to get out of this house....we've been cooped up in here all week with illness and I am sooo excited to get to go out with my friends, mingle with ADULTS and be creative all at the same time!!! Woohoo!! Everyone have a fabulous day!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Hello all! Welcome to my new blog.....I'm completely new at this, so, be patient, I'm sure I'll get better as I go along....I wanted to create a spot where my friends and family can be updated on what's going on in Hawaii with the Fosters....As you can see, we are impatiently counting down the days until my husband returns from Iraq..He is missed terribly....Other than that, you will hear alot about my scrapbooking, my children, my gal pals, and my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ! I look forward to hearing your comments!!!!!!