Hey all! I hope this finds you all having a wonderful weekend!!!! Well, it's been another blissful Saturday....A lot has happened today.....Very exciting! Ethan has FINALLY learned how to ride his bike on 2 wheels!!!!!! It was awesome....I said to myself this morning, "Enough is enough"....this child is 8 years old now and the only one in the neighborhood who cannot ride a bike! So, he whined a little bit, but, when he saw that I wasn't backing down, he DID IT!!!!! and he did perfect from the 1st try! He's been ready for a while, I guess us parents were just lazy....OH WELL.....now Melody wants to try......Then, this afternoon, we went to the movies here on post...they were playing Wall-E for the matinee, so, I took the kids.....I thought it was cute, but not one of Disney's best......So, now, we are winding down for the night and Melly and I have had our usual "Girl Time" and tonight she wanted curlers in her hair so that she could have "pretty hair" for church tomorrow....Hopefully, we will get to go, because I started feeling not so well again today and totally have lost my voice......Wish me luck!!!!!

YAY, Ethan can join the bike club. LOL
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