Ok.....I suppose that yesterday's blog must have stirred up some anger in the fires of Hell...Let me give you the FAST version.....Last night, went to sleep.....had a nightmare (I truly believe a prophetic dream) and then woke up and have been awake since 3 am.....In this dream I was being attacked by the ugliest creature I have ever imagined (I believe a demon), and there was a woman (which makes no sense to me since angels according to my Bible are males), anyways, she told me I had to make this creature lunge at me and she had some kind of weapon in her hand which I could not see, but I awoke at 3 am with that thing lerching at me and it was just the scariest thing ever....so, I began praying.....and didn't stop all day long.....because, from the moment the sun broke over the horizon, I cannot count how many MAJOR incidents took place that even if only 1 of those things happened, it would throw off anyone for the whole day! Just to give the brief rundown...almost involved in 2 car accidents, well, 3 if you count that I almost hit a man carrying a baby who just walked out into the middle of the street from behind a tall parked vehicle that I could not see....I barely got stopped in time.....that was all on the way to church this morning...and also on the way to church, I had to explain why the "man" at Starbucks was wearing makeup and acting like a girl, and I was just honest (and blunt) and said right in front of the "man" that he was confused and that he was "lost" and he needed Jesus Christ....I smiled and told him to have a nice day.....so, then after church...oh I forgot...my computer kinda crashed, so, I was stopping at Best Buy to get the Geek Squad to look at it, and they did not give a good report, and my children locked us out of the truck we were driving and we had to call and get someone from Ford to come out and unlock the car....the keys were left in it with the motor running (thanks to my beautiful, wonderful, CHILDREN...) HEHEHE.....so, we were stranded there for a little while....then I went home and was going to barricade myself in my house and hide from the world, while waiting on the next hammer to fall, and my wonderful friend Nikki, called and said that she was taking me to church before I even had a chance to tell her that I was afraid to leave my house....She said she already KNEW that I was going to say that, so that was why she called to offer the ride so that I would have NO EXCUSE of giving into the stress! Thank you Nikki....today (and most days) You are truly a Godsent Friend!!!!! The rest of today has been really, really good and I'm looking forward to our Beach outing and our cookout tomorrow!!! Everyone have a great Labor Day!!!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Did everyone hear that LOUD and CLEAR????? I don't care if we are puking our guts up or coughing up a lung, WE ARE GOING TO CHURCH TOMORROW!!!! LOL......Well, really, there has been NOTHING funny about it....I am so sick of being sick! But thanks to one of my goodest, bestest friends, Jean, I have made a list of things to do to try to keep my family healthier and more resistant to all of these bugs that keep coming around! We sooooo miss getting to come to church on a regular basis....Because of my husband being deployed to Iraq, and us getting sick, oh, and of course, gasoline prices don't help either, we have not been able to attend regularly...But, I am putting my foot down NOW....I have been raised by a Wonderful, Godly Mother who pretty much taught me that whenever the church doors are open, if we weren't drawing our last breath, we should be there! So, call it habit, call it conviction, call it whatever you want, I'M GOING TO BE IN CHURCH PRETTY MUCH EVERY TIME THE DOORS ARE OPEN! I love my church and my church family!!!! I have never been involved with such a loving, giving, caring church in my entire life! Praise the Lord! And now, another one of my goodest, bestest friends Nikki is joining my Awesome church tomorrow and that just makes it an even BETTER reason to love the church even more! Oh, my church is Lanakila Baptist Church in Waipahu, HI......Out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in paradise!!!!! It will be one of the hardest things to do when we have to leave our little paradise.....but, ARMY life....some of you know how it goes! Ok......enough....Love to all of you and everyone have a BLESSED SUNDAY!!!
Posted by crazy4chai at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by crazy4chai at 7:37 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sick Again Sunday
Posted by crazy4chai at 7:46 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another Saturday

Posted by crazy4chai at 8:04 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
I hope this finds you all doing well and ready for the weekend.....I love Fridays....especially this Friday.....it's been a pretty tough week for LOTS of reasons I cannot begin to even go into in this small amount of space I have, so, let's just sum it all up into....THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY.....AJ's homeschool curriculum is arriving today at some point and even though he ACTS like he's not happy about it, I know that he is excited.....just nervous I think because it is all kind of new to him....For those of you who don't know, I started off homeshooling him...I homeschooled him from Kindergarten thru 2nd grade....so, technically, he's only been in public school, for 3rd, 4th, and 1/2 of 5th grade because we had him at our church's private school for the 1st half of 5th grade.....so, I am happy and feel at peace about homeschooling....I TRULY feel that this is what God wants me to do...not only with AJ, but with all of my children....YES, I didn't make a mistake...I said ALL of them...including Ethan....my little Ethan.....as most of you know, Ethan has Autism....Autism does NOT have Ethan....(that's my little slogan)....his Autism is extremely mild and he has grown out of almost all of the behaviors and issues he once had....I KNOW that I can homeschool them all, I just have a fear of it being too much for me to handle....but, for some strange reason...I feel at peace with the idea....I REALLY want to do it...Homeschooling makes total sense...where else can they be taught about the things that are really important..???? Who better to teach them, than their parents???? Although I'm sure that some days will be challenging, I really feel led to do this...And being an army family, it only makes sense to be able to schedule school time on OUR time...when WE have to move, or deal with deployments, or emergencies back home...school can go with us wherever we are.....Just pray with me about these decisions...we will make a final decision by the 1st of December.....Also, I am concerned that because Ethan is in the Special Education program, (for those of you who don't know, schools get paid a lot of money for these children in special education) and my fear is that they won't want to disenroll him from the school and give me trouble....So, just keep us in your prayers.......Thanks to you all........Have a great weekend!!!!!!!
Posted by crazy4chai at 8:02 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Posted by crazy4chai at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Posted by crazy4chai at 4:39 PM 5 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
AHHHHH Saturday!
How nice and beautiful Saturdays can be...Especially here in Hawaii....Beautiful sunshine, kids outside playing, nice breeze, and in the house...ahhhhhh peace and quiet....ok......I'm done rubbing it all in....LOL Just having a quiet Saturday afternoon in paradise, but very excited about tonight! My friend, Nikki, invited me to go with her and another friend, Rachelle, to a card making workshop.......so, I hired a sitter for the evening and just cannot wait to get out of this house....we've been cooped up in here all week with illness and I am sooo excited to get to go out with my friends, mingle with ADULTS and be creative all at the same time!!! Woohoo!! Everyone have a fabulous day!
Posted by crazy4chai at 12:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008

Posted by crazy4chai at 9:59 PM 0 comments