Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hello everyone.....

Well, I'm signing in to continue my New Year's Resolution....I'm really gonna TRY very hard to keep you all updated at least once a far, so good! Today, I want to tell you all about a new friend that I had the EXTREME PLEASURE of knowing, even though in a very, very short time, she touched so many, so quickly.....Her name was Debbie...She was such a blessing to be around....Always upbeat, always optimistic, such a JOY...what made Debbie's attitude so special was all the while, she has been batteling ovarian cancer....she had such a strong and beautiful disposition and she was just one of those people that EVERYONE gravitated had NO choice....her personality drew you in....I only had the pleasure of enjoying her friendship for a little more than a month....She is leaving behind 2 young Children....Megan-age 4, and Brody--age 2....and her Loving husband, Shawn.....Debbie's parents were flying in this morning when she passed....she passed away at 9:21 a.m. local time...she held out as long as she could.....I wasn't able to be with her, but, those who were present said that she died peacefully and that it was the most Glorious thing that they had ever witnessed....she drew in her last breath, with a smile on her face....Praise the Lord...she is no longer struggling, she is no longer hurting, she is FINALLY cancer free......I will never forget our final conversation.....she only wanted God's will for her life....she said that if it was his will to perform a miracle and heal her completely, then, praise the Lord, and If it were His time to call her home, then she was she pointed at me and said, "I'm going to beat you there!"...with a chuckle in her voice....My last words were, "if you DO make it there before me, then I need you to make sure that I am assigned a house on YOUR street, because I just didn't have enough time with her down here on Earth"....She's just another person to go on before me, to make me long for the day when I get to hear those precious words from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, "Well Done"....and that sums up my interpretation of Debbie.......WELL DONE DEBBIE.........WELCOME HOME......


9ndhouse- Katie said...

I'm sure Heaven was rejoicing for your friend's homecoming! Oh, to see His face! I'll be praying for her family and friends, it is hard to have a loved go home before us.

crazy4chai said...

thanks so much...even though we saw this coming, we didn't want it to....we were all hoping that God would change his mind??? Well, whatever the reason, she will be missed...I only wished I could've known her longer....she was a wonderful, wonderful person....thanks for you prayers....