Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time is coming closer and closer....... are all probably going to get sick of hearing about it, but time just keeps getting closer and closer until my HUBBY GETS HOME, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow...any deployment is tough, whether it is 3, 6, 9, 12....but 15??????? I mean, c' feels like 3 years!!!!! So, we are ALL looking so forward to integrating back into our little family again.....we are just jumpin out of our skins....I AM SOMEWHAT in a panic, however, due to the fact that I have a running list (in my head) of things that I need to get done before he arrives and I just CANNOT SEE, with having the flu, homeschooling, etc...HOW ON EARTH IS IT ALL GONNA GET DONE????? LOL....I know.....stress....not good......but, it's a happy stress and it will all work out in the end....we are sooo nervous/excited about our upcoming move, but planning our trip before we arrive in El Paso....we're going to be VERY busy....We are going to have our Van shipped to St. Louis, and drive about an hour to see our friend, Leticia in Springfield, Missouri, then off to Clarksville, TN to see Kiki and bill for a couple of days (or lunch, because they're getting ready to move to Germany!!! ), then off to Ohio and WV to visit with our families for a week or so, then travel down the East Coast (or what we call over here in Hawaii, THE UGLY COAST, and make several stops with friends along the way.....stop in Myrtle Beach, SC (where we were married) for just a couple or 3 days, and then to friends in Savannah, (shout out to Jessica and Crystal), and then Crystal and Jeromy Mcgee are going to travel with us to DISNEY for our BANGARANG fun in Florida, and then we will head across the Deep South visiting more friends along the way and making another stop in Dallas (GOTTA GO TO THE NEW COWBOYZ STADIUM, OF COURSE), then onto San Antonio to Sea World, making that our last stop before checking in at El Paso for the next 3 years!........WOW, THAT WAS THE LONGEST RUN ON SENTENCE IN HISTORY!!!!! LOLOLOLOL Can you tell that I'm excited????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great new week everyone!!!! Love to all,


9ndhouse- Katie said...

I am getting excited with you!! I can just imagine how bubbly everything must be for you right now! The most my husband has been gone is a week long business trip and I remember the buzz of the family as he finally came through the gates at the airport, people watching probably thought he'd been gone a year at least for all the hugs, giggles and happiness. It won't be long now!! :-)
I'm sure you get all the stuff done that you need to, don't sweat it! Maybe you can make some of this list into "school" work! A little Home Ec or Family Living? :}
Sounds like you have one wonderful trip planned!!! and IF the Springfield your going to in Missouri is down in the southwest corner of the state then the trip from St. Louis will be more like 3-4 hours instead of one. We live about 30 minutes from that Springfield. ;-) You seem like a very wonderful lady yourself, and I am definitely praying for your husband. I'm sure it is hard to be so far away from things.
I can tell you are very excited, wish I could run over and help with the to-do list!! Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

I live at fort leonard Wood MO and it is like 2 hours at the max. It will be cool to see all of you. We were also going to go to disney this summer but Laci is now getting braces. NOT REALLY A FAIR TraDE in mY EYES. We will go next year though.