Sunday, October 19, 2008

WHERE DO I BEGIN???????????

Wow.....alot can happen in 5 days, I guess.....I hope this finds everyone doing well out there in cyberspace! We are doing ok here in Hawaii....I think that I may have pneumonia, again, (not a shock)...for those of you who know me....I get this every year Oct, Nov, Dec.....last year I was very fortunate however, and did not get it for the first time in, seriously folks, probaby 12 years.....I've always been succeptible to it....even all thru, nothing new....But it is frustrating when the military doctors say,, "well, your lungs sound clear to me and you don't have a high fever, so, it's not pneumonia, "...then a couple weeks go by and I'm so bad that they end up having to hospitalize me...I've already let it go (I know Nikki), for a week already, so, I'm gonna try to get an appointment tomorrow....but, it will be a fight to get an xray and meds....but, maybe I'll get lucky and actually get to see MY regular dr, who knows that I KNOW MY BODY and he'll give me the meds...!!!!!! onto more news.....My hubby called me finally yesterday to tell me that he has been in contact with his Branch Manager and we should know where our next duty station is maybe by the end of this month....PLEASE, above all else, pray for God's will.....He'll get HIS way no matter what, but our options are 1) Ft. Belvoir, VA 2) Ft. Benning, GA, or 3) Ft. Polk (PUKE), LA......can you tell what MY WILL IS??????? hahahaha....well, VA would be the best, because not only is it only 5 hours from home, Christian will get to keep his job that he is doing now, which he ABSOLUTELY LOVES AND THRIVES AT....he's doing so good at his job and he loves what he is doing and I would hate for that to have to change for him.......also, we would more than likely be there until we retire.....then if we get GA, he will be a drill instructor (which he does NOT wanna do at all)....and for those of you who know him, that is just NOT his nature....He CAN do it, but does not want to.....and at Ft. Puke, he would be in a classroom instructor position, which he prefers to the Drill Instructor, but he knows that LA would be location wise a terrible place for our family because of health issues,, everyone, just pray that I can learn to be "content" no matter where HE chooses for us to be as a family....I know he has great things in store for us no matter, so, I'm excited and very sad at the same time...We've been here in Hawaii for 8 years and I have made the BEST FRIENDS OF MY LIFE HERE (of course some of you have already moved on from here), and I don't wanna leave my church home and family!...:(........Have a great week everyone!!! Love to all!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stampin' Party

I'm sooo sad that it is over! I had a Stampin' Up Card Camp Party yesterday!!!! It was sooo much fun and all you ladies that came out to join us, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH.......It was absolutely wonderful to have a great group of ladies to fellowship with and to be creative with....It was sooo much fun....We had a GREAT turnout too......we had 14 all together including the kids and I was busy with them and didn't get to "socialize" like I normally would, BUT there will be MORE PARTIES!!!!!! LOL.....Thanks to my friend, Jackie for offering her home up to me because she has much more room.....she was soooo wonderful! She is one of my friends with 7 children and 1 on the way!!!!!! And she STILL did so much to help me...Thanks so much to Jackie......I really hope that everyone had as good of a time as I did....My motivation in doing these parties REALLY is not to get the gifts and have HIGH sales, etc.....It's all about getting together with friends, Old friends, new friends, and strangers who are soon to be new friends! Last night I tried to create an atmosphere to get everyone into an early Holiday Spirit and I made all kinds of Holiday treats and some decorations, and I had 2 crock pots going with hot cocoa in one and hot apple cider in the other....THE SMELLS COMING FROM THAT HOUSE WERE DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I believe that I achieved my goal, and I cannot wait to do the next one!!!!!!! I ended up getting very sick though....I woke up this morning having a bronchial type cough and yellow junk pouring out of every hole in my head!!! It was horrible...for those of you who know me, you know that KATHY is sick when she doesn't even feel like shopping on payday! Thanks so much to my friend, Larae, for making me make a list and sending her to the grocery store for me!! You were a lifesaver....thanks so much! So, I DO feel better tonight though, so hopefully it was just a weird day! Everyone have a WONDERFUL DAY !!!!! Love to you ALL!!!!! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, today is my anniversary!! My husband and I have been married for 13 years today! WOW....we MUST be getting old..hehe.....well, it is a very sad anniversary because I have to spend it without him.....The bright side of things is that he will be home for next year! Happy Anniversary honey...I miss you and love you with all of my heart.......Love, Bug

Thursday, October 9, 2008

On-Island Vacation!

Hi All!.....I know, I has been a whole week! But we have been very, very busy.....busy getting ready for a little on-island vacation this week....We had a good time.....the kids and I went to Waikiki for a couple of days...It was refreshing....Believe it or not, I really did have a relaxing time! One of my bestest buddies, Jean, came down with her WONDERFUL family...(jean, beautiful Mother of 7 children)......and she treated us to Dinner at the Hotel's restaurant called Biba's! was fantastic as usual....she even got my oldest child, AJ LOVING Calamari....geesh... He has not shut up about it since! Squid, YUCK......squishy, slimy, in my mouth.....gross....I would rather have onion rings! Hehe...then we went up to our room and the kids played some card games while Jean and I talked....It was really, really nice.....and OF COURSE, we ordered room service (Ethan's FAVORITE thing to do at the Hotel) and we enjoyed lots and lots of ice cream.....banana splits to be exact!! Plus, some NUMMY apple pie and mac nut ice cream!....The kids are already asking, "when are we going to the hotel again Mommy"....UGH....they think money grows on trees.....(boy, I wish)
Now, I am just looking so forward and I am so stinkin' excited about my Stampin' Up card camp I'm having on Monday night!.......another besty friend, Nikki is the demonstrator....she's nervous, but it's just us homefolks...nothing to be scared of......we have been planning this for weeks! Everything has been planned and all that is left to do is show up with food and we're ready to party!!!!! I love making cards!!!!......I hope ya'll that are on island can come!!!! Give me a call and let me know! There are limited spaces available! (How's that for a shameless plug for my show!!! LOL ))))........Have a great Friday everyone!!!!!! I'll give you an update after the party! Love to all!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm a Bad Blogger

Ok....everyone I'm sorry......I am such a bad blogger!!!! I'll try to get better, I promise! Well, I am Really excited about Monday & kids and I are going on a little Mini-Vacation for Fall Break.......We're staying on Island of course, but going to Waikiki for a couple of days to have fun and relax! We LOVE going down there and soaking up the sun and enjoying our beautiful Hawaii....We are also thinking about Daddy.....we're very sad because it is his Birthday on Saturday, Oct. 4........we HATE it that he isn't here with us to celebrate......HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY......(you're almost as old as me!)......Ok...that's all for now.....Hopefully, I'll have more to say next time.....Please, everyone say a prayer for me.....I go to the Dr tomorrow to get the results of bloodwork I had done a couple of weeks ago.....Pray that the Dr can know what is going on with me and can help me!!! Thanks! Have a great day!