Monday, September 8, 2008

WE ARE ALL STILL BREATHING, (for now)...haha

Ok.....from the title, you may not know what I mean.....I guess a more appropriate title would maybe be...."We're all still alive and I haven't killed my kids yet"......hahahahaha......So, Day #1 of homeschool went really, really well.....We still have a few "kinks" to work out, but for the most part, we all did well, and yes, we all survived......The kids say that they all loved it, and I have Ethan's curriculum on order (Thanks Nikki), and it should be here later in the, for now, I am printing up worksheets on the computer to keep Ethan and Melody busy...Tomorrow is my PWOC prayer meeting/bible study on the books of Judges and Ruth.....I am so excited about this class and this new group of strong, christian ladies I have been blessed to meet....It is soooo refreshing I believe that I might have to start talking about how I almost love Tuesdays as much as I do Thursdays......naahhhhhh....nothing beats Thursdays!! But, for those of you friends (Miss Kiki especially)who KNOW how much I LOVE pajama that I am homeschooling, ANY day can be pajama day now!!!!! LOL...(except Tues., Wed, Thurs, &Sunday of course)so, I suppose that only leaves Mon, Friday, and Saturday! Hey, I'll take it! Mondays without having to leave my pj's....that's pretty awesome!!!! Ok.....I'm going to attempt to update more frequently, but sometimes, there just isn't a whole lot to say.....Love to all and have a Fantastic Day!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you guys are all doing well! I wish I could have pj My only options are Saturday and sometimes Sunday..Keep up the great work.

9ndhouse- Katie said...

What a blessing! Your still alive and here (there), and even breathing!!! Your off to a great start!! Alive is good. I've been praying for you, obeying the Lord in big things as well as little things is sooo exciting. Don't get discouraged when Satan throws a few rocks, just throw 'em back and move on. :-) PJ day is a great idea! Smiles your way!!